
We invite you to familiarize with the offer.

Examinations can be performed within the EU (the so-called TUV, pre-purchase) with the use of digital radiology and image processing program accepted in countries around the world (special requirements to the US), digital diagnostic ultrasound, endoscopy, and blood tests for the presence of prohibited substances (doping).

Diagnosis of lameness is based on a detailed orthopedic examination (at rest and in motion on the hard and soft ground), as well as on additional tests such as diagnostic anesthesia of nerves/joints. Diagnostic imaging is performed with a use of modern techniques – ultrasound, radiology, thermography.

Thanks to modern imaging technology  such as digital X-ray, ultrasonography, endoscope and thermographic camera, there is a possibility of accurate diagnosis of injuries and pathological changes within the structures of soft tissues and bone.

  • IRAP therapy
  • PRP therapy
  • stem cells therapy
  • injections under the ultrasound control

Sport prophylaxis consists of the constant supervision of the health state of horses that take part in competitions in various equestrian disciplines. In order to achieve the desired results in sport, the regular orthopedic and endurance control should be taken.

  • setting nourishment rations based on blood and hair tests in collaboration with leading scientific centers
  • deworming, vaccination
  • blood tests
  • setting the supplementation adequate to a horse use

Diseases of ligament, muscles, aponeurosis of the muscle of the neck and spine, as well as pathologies related to the spine and pelvis can be found in horses of various usability and all races. High-quality equipment allows to perform the diagnostics of these areas of the body. Treatment is based on the paravertebral injections, injections between the spinal processes, injections into the intervertebral joints, lumbosacral or sacroiliac under ultrasound control, and the use of physiotherapy (eg. acupuncture) or physical therapy (ultrasounds, high energy laser).

Detailed monitoring of horse teeth is a very important part of preventive health care of the horse. Disorders of food intake may have a negative impact on the general condition of the horse, nutrition and health of the animal. The offer includes correction of teeth by an electric rasp, removal of “wolf” teeth, radiological examination of the oral cavity.

A wide range of medical consultations, including with experts from around the world.

Assistance in obtaining contact with clinics, hospitals in the country and abroad. Consultation results with the best specialists in the country and the world.

  • lung diseases
  • heart diseases
  • Allergies
  • rehabilitation and physiotherapy (especially after injuries or regenerative medicine treatment)
  • ultrasounds
  • shock wave therapy
  • high-energy laser
  • low-energy laser
  • magnetotherapy
  • electrotherapy
  • cryotherapiy
  • massages
  • chiropraxis
  • acupuncture
  • veterinarian from the list of Polish Equine Federation (delegate, veterinarian on duty)
  • veterinarian from the list of FEI (delegate, veterinarian on duty)